Monday, January 24, 2011

What can I say about loneliness?

What can I say about loneliness? Well I am never alone; I am always around people and work. I never stand still, and that almost angers me. In my life I am constantly working to better things but not for me but for those who I care about. And the sad part of this is all I wanted in return is a thank you.  But back to being alone, I think it is all about the definition of being alone. I am never alone physically because I live in a house of thirty-one girls.  But emotionally I think I  I am alone because I feel like no one has been able to get me. I have friends and best friends but I always feel that I am the giver in the relationship; I am the one who drops everything for my friend.  I guess recently I feel that my loneliness is like a cold shower, you need to get through it and its painful but in the end necessary to continue.

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