Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thinking in Silence

Quiet, I rarely get it. There is the constant phone call or question, the buzz of my phone getting an email or my littles needing advise. But silence its a long lost friend. Even now when all the house is asleep and the computers are off. I am not able to get real silence. The buzz of the mini fridge or the wind at the window they remind me that I am here at CMU in my third floor dorm room up too late working on homework that just seems to grow like moss on a rock. How I would love to be on a porch somewhere that is warm where the sounds that make up my silence don't cause me to think of energy costs. I don't think i will ever get real silence because even though the room is "quiet" my head is still spinning reminding me what happened today and what needs to happen tomorrow. Silence is relative it is fixing the things that need to be done so that when you decide to lye down your head for bed, your mind isn't screaming telling you that you should. So yeah silence isn't something I get much, its a luxury that I put on a high pedistill up there next to eight hours of sleep and massages, its there just unattainable.

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