Monday, January 31, 2011

" A Fig Tree Looking on a Fig Tree Looking Becometh Truthful"

What is an "American Scholar"?  Think about... who is a scholar? A scholar is defined in Merriam Webster Dictionary as "a person who has studied a subject for a long time and knows a lot about it : an intelligent and well-educated person who knows a particular subject very well." But what does that mean? I would never describe myself as a scholar. I think a scholar as a person who has reached their PHD or some one as a worlds except in something... but what do we as a generation think a scholar as? Are they the teachers how show us the fun that there is in education are they the parents that have the wisdom. Google images for scholar bring up images about books and old men. Well what about the scholars of our lives. I would have never considered myself a scholar but... if the definition is that of Merriam then I would say that i know people really well... would that make me a scholar. If I can tell you everything about Gilmore Girls, would that make me a scholar. I feel like the definition of scholar is different then what we used to think of scholar, some old white dude with books. Now a scholar could be the kid down the street who can spray paint sneakers like nobodies business. An American scholar now that is an interesting concept. In a country that thinks itself above many in ingenuity and creativity a scholar here never needs to be book learned its about being the person who knows the most and who can be the best... which is better... the one that has a roof or one with millions of possibilities...even I am not sure

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