Monday, January 24, 2011

I am a fighter... for my image....

I feel that I am not a loner I am the fighter.  Rather then spend the time to think about me, think about the good that I am able to do, the things I want be and how to get there; I am ready to step in to help out the others. I blame my mother for this but I have a physically negative reaction to injustice.  I get red and fiery and I stand up. You see one thing that home schooling taught me was that everyone voice counts and just because I am young and have therefore haven’t lived. So getting things done is not a big deal, if anything I love it. I love calling in technological problems. I love standing up to my competitors and I like to feel strong. Why, why do I need to prove my strength? I feel that there is a lot of reasons that I feel that I am constantly needing to prove myself. I think it is because I am so used to showing my value due to my dyslexic. When I was in middle school there was a poster in the guidance councilor, it said something along the lines of “ What does an eating disorder look like?” There were a lot of people pictured and a lot of different speech bubbles above them. Well if I was pictured, I would be “ Am I what a learning disability looks like?” I would say no, why because I didn’t know I was dyslexic till my tenth birthday. And honestly sometimes the thing that makes me feel lonely is the fact that I have to explain why the “bright girl” can only write like a tenth grader.

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