Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Journal 1

January 18th 2011
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
Walden, 65
I decided to try and focus on this quote during my walk today. It was actually perfect weather for a walk and I was able to miss the rain. Although winter and the chill silenced the sounds of the world, it could not silence the thoughts in my head. I was reeling with thoughts about what to do next, work I should be doing, emails to send, and thoughts that I really should take more walks because it was far more enjoyable than a treadmill. I have come to the conclusion that it would take me much more than a 2 year stay at Walden Pond to truly appreciate nature and reach any kind of intellectual catharsis. My life has become controlled by technology and tasks that really don’t matter in the “big picture’ of life. I have grown up with the internet and cell phones, where information or a friendly “Hello” was only just moments away. Even on a simple walk I couldn’t concentrate on anything in Panther Hallow. Even though I dislike the tone Thoreau uses throughout Walden, I can appreciate his isolation. I can’t even take a walk for an hour I need to attend to without thinking about the material unimportant things I need to attend to. I hope that I will be able to focus more on my surroundings on my next excursion.
During the walk I found myself constantly checking my cell and eventually had to if off. Today’s society has reached a whole new level of a poisonous luxury. Luxury is no longer just fine clothes and furniture but communication. If Thoreau was bothered by the Postal Service, I’m sure he would drop dead with disgust ager seeing the cell phones and constant façade communication people are constantly partaking in. If there was no news worth the effort of a letter (67) it is hard to believe Thoreau would approve of the constant news we are sharing. What is even worse about the way our society communicates is that is merely the façade of any actual relation. One can have a whole conversation or relationship with someone without actually meeting face to face. Soon societies’ “nature” will be nothing wires and connections in the “inter-web.” Analyzing my inability to even appreciate nature for a few minutes I feel that society may be beyond the point of no return. The thought of camping with no internet or cell phone service is daunting. I can also say that many of my friends and family feel the same way. The “old” way of life is no longer valued.
Thoreau went into the woods to make sure that his life had some meaning. I went into the park for an assignment and emerged with a mini identity crisis. I have realized that a majority of my life, although I am still young, means absolutely nothing. No matter how much I despise reading Thoreau, his thoughts have reached me in some way. I envy that he was not a slave to time (70). Time is so short in life. I am constantly counting the minutes to use it to the fullest. However, I feel this process makes time seem even shorter. I have concluded that technology has given us the ability to speed through each moment missing everything wonderful. I think about deleting facebook or not using cell and then realize that this would be impossible. This impossibility saddens me.

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