Tuesday, March 22, 2011

yellow wallpaper and a glass celling.... make for an amazing room

I honestly was so confused by this book... and i guess that is a good thing it means that i am not going insane like the main character right. For if this one messed up book. We have the main character going insane and not your basic, dramatic, controlling insane we are talk bat-flipping crazy. She sees things move and feels things that aren't there. Now I can understand where some critics would say she is a feminist representation of how being stuck in a house is bad or women aren't meant not to be allowed to have freedom and do what they want. I just see this book creating issues for women. I mean we are already looked at for witchcraft and we "curse" men and aren't smart enough to have property or vote but now we are saying we also tend to go insane and destroy the things our caring and attentive men are nice enough to provide....What does that say about the women of today. We couldn't be controlled, but we think we can have it all? My issues with this book doesn't stop there, I am all for her writing keeping a journal and being freaked out. I am for her being exhausted and tired, I understand the pressure and the tensions she is feeling. I mean it is an insane idea that women, have to walk around for nine months with a huge little monster in its belly that gets too big to come out and then it just pushes its way out of you. this concept of then going to not physically attached and having someone take care of it for you is insane. How does one just hand over something that was a piece of you. Its like handing over your leg... sure you will find a way to walk again and you'll function but are you ever the same? This story didn't give me hope or made me want to be a women it made me fear my sex even more

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