Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I hate books about slavery. They make me hurt like physically react to them. I have never been able to understand how people could and can sleep knowing that this was going on. Even now as I type these words I am physically ill. This book destroyed my weekend; it turned me to the restroom all Sunday afternoon. The story made me weep and after throwing up my lunch. I was able to come to terms with the idea that I had too look at it as a work of fiction that it wasn’t real. But even then I went through several boxes of tissues. One of the things that makes this story so powerful is the writing. The rhythm of the prose makes an aurora that envelops you. Makes you feel the pain and anguish that the saves have to deal with on a daily bases. It hurt to listen to the hope that once was there and then to understand how they have little to no chance to change their situations.  After finishing the reading I went to bed. I don’t know what made it happen it might have been the lack of sleep or the whole being sick thing but I dreamt that I myself was a slave. That I was stuck in a situation where I wouldn’t be able to save myself from the horrible environment that I read of. The place that ruined lives, killed sprits and darkened American history.

One of the things we have learned as the semester has been going on is that the stories we have read give us a look into the worlds of the time. We learned about the oppression of society on the lives of our characters as well as the writers. We learn that they struggled with depression emotions pain and sorrow. We also learn that life no matter how hard has hope…. We at least we did, this book broke the idea of hope for me. It made me realize how hard and depressing times were and rather then making me want to love or feel or understand it made me want to jump off a building. I just didn’t understand why people didn’t start a change, make a move for difference do something to fix this horrible situation. Its like the time of Hitler…. People just turned a blind eye. And I don’t know how anyone could do that.

I hated this book because not only did it ruin my weekend but it also crushed my feeling that man isn’t inherently evil…. And well slavery just proves that to be false.

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