Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Love Linda!

I’ve never read this book before, and the writing style is entirely different than anything we’ve read this semester; but I love this book and the main character. The subject matter at times is uncomfortable to read and imagine, but the book is so compelling I have to continue on. I always find books about the incredible crimes humanity has perpetrated throughout history of utmost most importance and incredibly fascinating, especially when it comes to slavery. The plight of the main character was so devastating, but entirely unrelatable as a women living in the 21st century; but I felt such an attachment to her. Linda’s intelligence and blatant insubordination were the traits I loved most about. Linda was so incredibly brave and that is often a characteristic not written about in tales of slavery non-fiction or otherwise. Although there were slaves who were bold enough to runway or even slaves that finally snapped and lashed out, at times violently towards their masters; we do not hear of slaves that used their wit, intelligence, and mastery of language to stand up to their masters. Linda, often unwilling to think of the consequences is unapologetically honest to her slimy, tyrannical master Dr Flint, who is probably one of the creepiest guys ever. However, we learn through Linda’s stories that hers is not special, many plenty of slave girls just like her forced on by their masters, birthing slave children that played alongside their white brothers and sisters.
When Linda uses her cleverness to spurn Dr Flint’s advances and takes on a different “lover”, I found that situation incredibly sad and disturbing. Linda notes that her affection for Mr. Sands only stems from his flattery and kind interest in her. It is obvious that their relationship is solely based on both parties using the other. Linda uses her relationship with Mr. Sands as retaliation to her master as well as gaining a small sense of freedom in controlling her body and fate. Mr. Sands uses Linda for obvious reasons, sexual satisfaction. However, given Linda’s state of enslavement and lack of options this relationship was possibly a means of gaining freedom from her villainous master.

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