Sunday, April 10, 2011

The importance of Family.

Throughout the novel, I found Douglass in desperate need of a family, or some sense of familial ties. Because of his slave position, he is discouraged from feeling any sort of bond to his family. He barely knows his mother when she is alive, and thus hardly cares when she passes away.

“The ties that ordinarily bind children to their homes were all suspended in my case. I found no severe trial in my departure. My home was charmless; it was not home to me; on parting from it, I could not feel that I was leaving any thing which I could have enjoyed by staying. My mother was dead, my grandmother lived far off, so that I seldom saw her. I had two sisters and one brother, that lived in the same house with me; but the early separation of us from our mother had well nigh blotted the fact of our relationship from our memories” (Chapter 5).

Douglass’ life and escape may have been easier because of not having any ties, however. This is a very sad fact. Salves were told not to tie themselves down to anyone, not even their own family members, let alone friends. Having such ties would make escaping and their day-to-day chores harder.

“I looked for home elsewhere, and was confident of finding none which I should relish less than the one which I was leaving. If, however, I found in my new home hardship, hunger, whipping, and nakedness, I had the consolation that I should not have escaped any one of them by staying” (Chapter 5).

Throughout his life, Douglass had to suffer without any familial bonds.

“I lived in Master Hugh's family about seven years” (Chapter 7). This quote perfectly displays how separate Douglass is from Master Hugh’s family. He is living “in” the family, not “of it.” He is a separate entity of Hugh’s family entirely. There is no connection between the two parties.

I can’t imagine not having the support of my family to help me through my toughest trials. Douglass was forced to spend a majority of his life without such support. I find that inhumane; the system of slavery is degrading and disgusting. I can’t stress or emphasize that enough.

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